Assalam oalikum,
Sheikh Ali Al Hudhaify belongs to the Hudhaify tribe from Al Awamir. He was born 1366 hijri in Al Qarn Al Mustaqeem village, situated in the Awamir area. He was born in a religious family and his father was the Imam and Khateeb of the Saudi army.
Since quite a few centuries back the Hudhaify family had been selected as the leaders of Al Awamirs. They continue to be the leaders till date. Sheikh Ali Al Hudhaify was educated by the wise people in his village during childhood. He had been taught to read the Holy Qur’an by Sheikh Mohammad bin Ibrahim Al Hudhaify Al Amry.
He had attended the Science Institute in Baljurashi and he got his bachelor’s degree in 1388 hijri. He pursued higher education and joined the Sharee’ah College in Riyadh in 1388 hijri.
After graduation he started teaching in the Science Institute in Baljurashi. He taught Nahu and sarf (arabic grammar), Tafseer, Tawheed and hand writing besides serving as an Imam and Khateeb in the Grand Mosque in Baljurashi. He did his Masters from Al Azhar University in 1395 and also received a doctorate degree from Al Azhar University University in fiqh in Sharee’ah politics division. He joined the Islamic university in 1397 as a teacher where he taught Tawhid and Fiqh in the Shaee’ah College. He had also taught in the Hadeeeth College and the Dawah and Usool al Din College.
He went on to become an Imam and Khateeb of the Quba Mosque. Later on he reached the zenith of success when he was appointed as an Imam and Khateeb of the Prophet’s Mosque (Al Masjid al-Nabvi) in 1399. He was appointed as the Imam of the Haram Mosque in the beginning of Ramadhan (1401 hijri). Later on he returned to be Imam and Khateeb of the Prophet’s Mosque in 1402 hijri where he still continues his Imamate. Sheikh Ali Al Hudhaify is considered to be one of the best Quran reciters from Saudi Arabia many of his recordings are broadcast all over the world.
He has a learning circle at the Prophets Mosque where he teaches Hadeeth and Fiqh. There are many of his books that have been are in his own hand writing.
2 Al-Baqara (The Cow), سورة البقرة
3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
4 An-Nisa (The Women),سورة النساء
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