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The advice of Hakim Luqman to his sons- 7
Assalam oalaikum,
After advising his son to abstain from shirk and to respect one’s parents, Hakim Luqman next adviced his son to understand Allah (swt)’s attribute of Omniscience or knowing everything.‘O my son! If it be equal to the weight of the grain of a mustard seed and tough it be as a rock, or in the heavens or the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Verily Allah is subtle in bringing out that grain well aware of its place’. (TMQ-31:16)
Hakim Luqman explains to his son the Might of Allah (swt) and that He has the entire universe under His control. There is no escape from Him as He knows everything. This verse implies that if a man commits a sin or a good deed secretly, his actions cannot be hidden from Allah (swt). Man will be accountable before Allah (swt) for each and every deed of his, however, secretly had it been done. Man will be rewarded for his good deeds and punished for his evil deeds. The mustard seed has been presented as an example because of it is so tiny that its weight can hardly be felt. Rocks are found away from populace in solitary regions.
The example of a rock has been mentioned in a hadith also. ’Should one amongst you do something whatsoever within a hard rock which has no door or opening to it, it will spread amongst people’. , (Musnad Ahmad-28/3)
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amel soname