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Healing drinks
Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem
The habits of Prophet Muhammad (saw) regarding beverages are very
beneficial for preserving health. Prophet Muhammad (saw) liked to
drink honey with cold water. This is an effective way of preserving
health. Drinking honey on an empty stomach helps in dissolving phlegm,
purifying the stomach’s protective layers and dissipating its
viscidity and excrements and also heating it mildly. Honey helps
against the clogs in kidney, liver, stomach and prostate. Honey is
more beneficial for the stomach than any other sweet food.
Honey can be harmful to those who suffer from bile as it aggravates
it. The harmful side effect of honey can be neutralized in such cases
by taking it with vinegar.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran: "And We Have Made from water every
living thing". (Surah Ambia - verse # 30)
Cold water can quench one’s thirst, it preserves the moistures in the
body and it can also regenerate the moistures that been lost by the
body. It softens the food that we ingest and helps to transfer it
quickly through the veins. When cold water is mixed something sweet
such as honey, raisins or dates, it becomes a very beneficial
substance which is good for preserving health. This is the reason why
the favourite drink of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was cold and sweet. Warm
water creates flatulence and is not good for health.
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3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
8 Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), سورة الأنفال
10 Yunus (Jonah),سورة يونس
12 Yusuf (Joseph),سورة يوسف
13 Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder), سورة الرعد
15 Al-Hijr (The Stoneland, The Rock City),سورة الحجر
17 Al-Isra (Night Journey,Children of Israel), سورة الإسراء
22 Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj),سورة الحج
27 An-Naml (The Ant, The Ants),سورة النمل
30 Ar-Rum (The Romans),سورة الروم
33 Al-Ahzab (The Clans, The Combined Forces),سورة الأحزاب
34 Saba (Saba, Sheba),سورة سبأ
35 Fatir (Orignator),سورة فاطر
37 As-Saaffat (Those Who Set The Ranks),سورة الصافات
38 Saad (The Letter Saad),سورة ص
39 Az-Zumar (The Troops, Throngs),سورة الزمر
40 Ghafir (The Forgiver),سورة غافر
41 Fussilat (Explained In Detail),سورة فصلت
42 Ash-Shura (Council, Consultation),سورة الشورى
46 Al-Ahqaf (The Wind-curved Sandhills),سورة الأحقاف
48 Al-Fath (Victory, Conquest),سورة الفتح
50 Qaf (The Letter Qaf),سورة ق
52 At-Tur (The Mount),سورة الطور
55 Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving),سورة الرحمن
56 Al-Waqia (The Event, The Inevitable),سورة الواقعة
59 Al-Hashr (Exile, Banishment),سورة الحشر
62 Al-Jumua (The Congregation, Friday),سورة الجمعة
67 Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty),سورة الملك
70 Al-Maarij (The Ascending Stairways),سورة المعارج
78 An-Naba (The Tidings),سورة النبأ
79 An-Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth),سورة النازعات
80 Abasa (He Frowned),سورة عبس
85 Al-Burooj (The Mansions Of The Stars),سورة الإنشقاق
86 At-Tariq (The Nightcomer),سورة الطارق
87 Al-Ala (The Most High),سورة الأعلى
93 Ad-Dhuha (The Morning Hours),سورة الضحى
95 At-Tin (The Fig, The Figtree),سورة التين
96 Al-Alaq (The Clot, Recite),سورة العلق
97 Al-Qadr (Power, Fate),سورة القدر
101 Al-Qaria (The Calamity),سورة القارعة
102 At-Takathur (The Piling Up, Competition),سورة التكاثر
103 Al-Asr (The Declining Day),سورة العصر
105 Al-Fil (The Elephant),سورة الفيل
107 Al-Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses),سورة الماعون
110 An-Nasr (Succour, Divine Support),سورة النصر
111 Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre),سورة المسد
113 Al-Falaq (The Daybreak, Dawn),سورة الفلق
114 Al-Nas (Mankind),سورة الناس
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