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Allah (swt)’s command to Lower our gaze (part-2)
Assalam oalaikum,
Allah (swt) says in the Quran: "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil". (24:21). It means that if men and women do not follow the injunction mentioned in Surah Noor about lowering one’s gaze they are actually following the satan. This is because Satan is himself a rebel who was thrown out of the gates of heaven so it is he who encourages us to rebel against Allah (swt). Had we been obeying the command of Allah (swt) about not staring at the opposite sex whenever we got a chance then would there have there been a single case of eve-teasing, molestation or even rape? The latter can even spoil the lives of women beyond repair. So this elucidates the importance of keeping our gaze lower and maintaining a distance between men and women because free inter-mingling between a man and a non-mehram woman and vice versa can lead to sinful acts and disastrous situations.
We should remember that satan is our biggest enemy and he will leave no stone unturned in trying to lead us astray and disobey Allah (swt). Satan will always try to tempt us to gaze at the opposite sex whenever we come across them, be it on a road or elsewhere. It is at such situations that we should remind ourselves of the command of Allah (swt). We should also remember that whatever we are commanded by our creator is for our own benefit in the log run and for the benefit of the society by and large. Satan is just an imposter and a disturbing element who wants us to deviate from the path of righteousness. Hence, if we as true Muslims understand his tricks and deceptive nature then it will become easier for us not to fall into Satan’s trap.
We should constantly remind ourselves that Allah (swt) is Ever-Watchful and he is constantly monitoring our thoughts, desires, actions etc. Moreover, we should not forget that we all will be answerable to Allah (swt) in the Aakhrat.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) has condemned the act of throwing lustful glances at a person of the opposite sex. He has referred to it as the zina (adultery) of the eye. According to him, "The eyes also commit zina, and their zina is the lustful look" (Al-Bukhari). He has referred to the lustful look as zina primarily because it gives unlawful sexual pleasure and gratification.
This shows that our Prophet (saw) has forbidden us from casting a second look at a non-mehram. Therefore, if we consider ourselves to be his true and upright Ummati (followers) then we should strictly abide by this rule and do not let satan misguide us. After all, a few moments of temporary pleasure in this world may lead to a long period of misery and punishment in hell.
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