Ruqyah supplications from the Sunnah-3
Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem
Assalam oalaikum,
Here are some more Ruqyah prayers from the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w)
Oh Allah! I seek your protection and forgiveness in this world and in the world hereafter. Oh Allah! I seek your protection and forgiveness in my religion, my worldly matters, my family and wealth. Oh Allah! Cover my secrets and protect me from anguish. Oh Allah! Protect me from what is in front of me and behind me; towards my left and towards my right and from above me. I seek your protection from being struck from beneath me. (Abu Dawood)
Oh Allah! I hope to get your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for a blinking of an eye. Settle all my problems. There is none worthy of being worshipped but you. (Abu Dawood)
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Excellent recitation!!
Maşallah beautiful voice
izin download
jazahumullahu khairon katsiron
Jzaka Allah, Bro keep it up. simple and easy to download site.
Icant download it
mashallah....thank you ..thank you...thank you....thank you so much..may Allah protect you and bless you with everything. thanks again for posting this.
Jazakallahu khayran
Jazaka llahu khair
Maşallah beautiful voice
make me cry for the lovely recaitation
Jazakallahu khayran
Jazakallah hu khair
Jaza kallah hu khair
Jaza kallahumma khairan
Jazākallāhu khayra
Jakak Allah, heart touching recitations of holy book Quran, Ma Shaa Allah
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