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8 Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), سورة الأنفال
14 Ibrahim (Abraham),سورة ابراهيم
The advice of Hakim Luqman to his sons (part-13)
Assalam oalaikum,
We have discussed in the previous post that the advice that Hakim Luqman gave to his son about commanding good and forbidding improper is an important Islamic tenet.
Allah (swt) has Himself commanded us goodness to the near ones and has prohibited shameful deeds in the Holy Quran (16:91)
Since Prophet Mohammad (saw) has been sent by Allah (swt) to carry out his commands on earth, hence the mission of our Prophet (saw) has been described in this way: ‘He commands them what is right and forbids them what is wrong, he makes lawful the things that are wholesome and makes unlawful the things that are bad and lifts from them their burdens and the yoke that were upon them’. (TMQ-7:157)
During his mission of spreading Islam, Prophet Mohammad (saw) has instructed to people that what is virtuous and has prohibited them from everything that is wrong. He has legalized the things which are right and illegalized all the things that are wrong. Besides this, the words- burden and yoke have been used to denote the malpractices which were followed by the people before Islam. For example: If one’s clothes got smeared with any impurity it was mandatory for them, as per the old shariah injunctions, to abandon that dress. However, in the Islamic Shariah it was made obligatory only to wash the soiled part.
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