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Islam is a religion of peace – 14
Assalam olaikum,
Moreover, Salah-ad-din was distressed by the sad plight of the families who were devastated by the hostilities. He showed mercy towards them instead of being vindictive. He released many of them as commanded by the Noble Quran. His brother was also a true Muslim and he also showed mercy towards the prisoners. He requested his brother to hand over a thousand of prisoners for his own use and then released them at once.
Historical evidence proves the fact that despite of the atrocities inflicted on the Muslims in the name of Holy war, Salah-ad-din and other Muslims under his command treated the Christians with compassion.
In 1194 Richard, the Lion heart, who is portrayed in the British History as a true hero, showed his true colors by executing 3,000 Muslims, including women and children, in Acre Castle. Despite this the Muslims remained patient and they never stooped so low as to shed blood of mankind. They followed the orders of Allah (swt), ‘Do not let hatred for a people incite you into going beyond the limits’ (Surah-Al Maida-5:2). Muslims were sensible enough to not use violence against innocent people. In spite of the terror spread by the crusaders against the Muslim community, the latter never resorted to violence even when they had the power to do so.
Historical evidence thereby shows us that the crusaders were the original terrorists who massacred and plundered even their Christian brethren, in the name of religion.
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3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
5 Al-Ma'ida (The Table),سورة المائدة
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