In its second descent Al-Quran was sent from the Bait-ul-Mamoor to Prophet Mohammad (saw) in piece meal over a span of 23 years. This kind of descent is called Tanzeel. Al-Qur’an says: “(It is) a Qur’an which We have divided (into parts from time to time), in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages.” (17:106)
This second type of descent or Tanzeel had begun in the holy month of Ramadhan, when Prophet Mohammad (saw) was forty years old (Al-Itqaan)
The motive for this step-by step descent was mentioned in the Qur’an itself. The Quran says in Al-Isra, (17:106):: And we have sent down this Qur'an piecemeal so that you may recite it to the people gradually piece by piece, and We have sent it down by gradual Revelations (to suit particular occasions).
The Quran also says in Al-Furqan, verse: 32-34, “The disbelievers ask, "Why has not the entire Qur'an been sent down to this man all at once?" Well, this has been done to impress it deeply on your mind, and (for the same object) We have sent it down piecemeal by degrees. And (there is another wisdom in this:) whenever they brought to you an odd thing (or a strange question), We sent its right answer to you in time and explained it all in the best manner, those who are going to be driven to Hell upon their faces, have taken an utterly wrong stand and their way is most erroneous
2 Al-Baqara (The Cow), سورة البقرة
4 An-Nisa (The Women),سورة النساء
5 Al-Ma'ida (The Table),سورة المائدة
9 At-Taubah (The Repentance), سورة التوبة
40 Ghafir (The Forgiver),سورة غافر
41 Fussilat (Explained In Detail),سورة فصلت
42 Ash-Shura (Council, Consultation),سورة الشورى
43 Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments Of Gold),سورة الزخرف
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