Assalam oalaikum,
It is narrated that the Companions (ra) of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) came to him and said, ‘We find in ourselves thought that are too terrible to speak of. He asked, ‘Are you really having such thoughts?” They said, ‘Yes’. Prophet Mohammad (saw) replied: “That is a clear sign of faith.”
In his commentary on this hadith Al-Nawawi said, “Clear sign of faith implies that the fact that we consider these waswasaas to be something terrible means is a clear sign of faith. This is because if you do not dare utter it, leave alone believing it, then it is a sign of one who has achieved perfection in his Imaan and is free from all doubts.’
Moreover, shaitan will always try to dissuade the ones who are on the righteous path. The ones whom he has already mislead, are like his medals. Such evil people become friends of shaitan and soon turn into shaitans themselves. Such people already have their minds captivated by shaitan. It is the ones who are determined to obey Allah (swt) and worship Him only, who are shaitan’s targets.
They prove to be a challenge for him because their love for Allah (swt) and fear of Akhrah makes them very strong.
It is such faithful followers of Allah (swt) for whom shaitan is always on the prowl. Hence shaitan keeps whispering into their ears the most, in the illusion that maybe one day they will finally lose their Imaan and fall into his trap.
58 Al-Mujadila (The Pleading Woman),سورة المجادلة
59 Al-Hashr (Exile, Banishment),سورة الحشر
60 Al-Mumtahina (She That Is To Be Examined),سورة الممتحنة
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