Surah Taubah
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Surah Taubah is somewhat different than the other Surahs in the sense that there is no Bismillah written before it. All the remaining 113 Surahs have the Tasmiyah written at the onset, except for Surah Taubah. Let us explore the reason behind this.
At the time of revelation of Surah Taubah, Tasmiyah had not been revealed at the beginning. Neither did Prophet Muhammad (saw) ask the scribes of Wahi to write Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem at the starting.
After the death of Prophet Muhammad (saw) the Sahaaba were unsure whether Surah Taubah was a separate Surah or a continuation of the previous Surah Anfaal. To make the matter more ambiguous it was observed that both the Surahs have similar contents. Hence, it appeared that both are actually a single Surah. However, Surah Taubah was amongst the last Surahs to be revealed, a long time after Surah Anfaal. So this made it seem possible that it was a separate Surah.
When Hadrat Uthman (ra) was asked about the reason why there was no Bismillah written at the beginning of Surah al-Tawba, like it was written in the beginning of the remaining Surahs, he replied that there was some uncertainty about this surah being a separate one, because Nabi (saw) passed away without clearly mentioning anything about it. This is why Bismillah was not written at the beginning of Surah Taubah. However, since its theme is similar to that of Surah Anfal, so it was placed after it and a space for Bismillah has been kept because it is possible that this is a separate surah. (Tirmizi, Vol 2, Pg.139)
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3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
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